Variety is more than the spice of life

It is interesting how often I have come across a list of “Top 10 most nutritional foods“. I have seen at least a dozen such lists. Certain foods show up repeatedly on such lists, such as blueberries, broccoli and garlic. Other foods might make just a single appearance, such as lemons (that was on such a list I saw last week, and I am pretty sure it was the first time I saw it on a top-10 nutrition list).

But picking just ten foods, while it has some appeal in making things simple and in helping us prioritize what we buy at the grocery store, would be a poor nutritional strategy. That’s because we need variety.

Surely you have heard how important it is not to invest all your money in one place – to “diversify”. That is why you might invest in stocks, in bonds, in Forex, in currency, in mutual funds of various types, in a house, etc.

Diversification is not just for money. And variety is not just the spice of life; it is much more.

It is a wise idea to make salads with many different ingredients, and to vary them from day to day. In other words, each time you go to the store, try to buy a few vegetables that you don’t usually buy. Different kinds of onions. New varieties of cabbage. Apple varieties you don’t buy every day.

Same with exercise. It is very tempting to go through the same movements every day, but a complete workout entails working every muscle in different ways.

What about the news you read or view? Getting it all from CNN? Reading only The Globe and Mail? Shake it up; get more than one world view if you really want to understand what’s going on. Every media outlet has its own editorial slant or bias. It can be comforting to get your news from media that share your own biases, it reinforces your views. But that won’t broaden your mind, it will only narrow it.

Think variety.

  • Education
  • Fashion
  • Activities
  • Social circle

If you live a varied life, you will keep growing in so many ways. You want your health, your mind, your wallet, your experience – everything – to keep growing. So get out of the rut and into something new.

Women have the happiness gene

Women are blessed.  It seems that they posses the happiness gene, or so a  study done by researchers at the University of South Florida has discovered.  The study explains why women are often happier than men, depending upon the presence or lack of a certain gene in the brain.

A gene called ‘MAOA’ affects the levels of feel-good chemicals in the brain, and is responsible for fluctuating moods in both men as well as women. Apparently, it works more to women’s advantage.

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Beauty marks

The little girl was staring at the man with the disfigured face.  She whispered to her mother, “Why is that man so ugly?”

The woman tried to hush her daughter….but it was too late.  The man had heard.

He stood up and crossed the waiting room.  He sat down beside the girl.  “Would you like to know how I got these beauty marks?” he asked the girl, with a wink and a smile to the mother.

“Uh-huh,” the girl answered.

“One day, there was a fire in my apartment block.  Everybody had to leave their apartments and head for the street, safe from the flames.  One mother was beside herself in panic.  She had arrived on the sidewalk with her daughter, but her son was nowhere to be found.”

“A man nearby ran back into the apartment to find her son, and bring him to safety.  He picked up the boy and carried him out. But on their way, something burning fell across their side.  Both the man and the boy caught fire.  There was nothing to do but run down the stairs and out the door as fast as possible and roll in the grass.

“Both the man and the boy survived.  And they both were left with matching beauty marks,” the man finished with a smile.

In a voice not much louder than a whisper the girl said, “Wow.  You saved the boy.  That’s what the marks of a hero looks like.”

The man just laughed.  “No, these are not the marks of a hero.  These are the marks of love.  You see, I was that boy.  And a stranger loved me enough to share these marks with me.”

Thoughts on love

People sometimes wonder how step families work and how they merge together successfully. It can be difficult as there are a lot of emotions involved. But my children have taught me that what makes the most difficult situations work is quite simply love.

Love makes the world go around as they say and in our case love is what makes it possible for our situation to work so well.

My husband has 3 children from his first marriage and we have had two little girls who now are 3 and 5. But despite what you hear of the horror stories about step families and evil step mothers we actually all somehow manage to get along famously.

We don’t all live together all the time though so I guess that makes it a bit different but the 3 children who are 14, 11 and 9 come and stay with us in the school holidays and gosh do my girls absolutely adore them. They roll into town like a carnival, full of stories and endless games. The girls literally count down until they come to visit and get so excited to see them.

READ ALSO: Happy parents limerick

I really love my husband’s children from his first marriage. They are bright, funny and well-mannered and have embraced the girls like a rugby team embracing the quarterback who just won the game. It is so lovely to watch them all together. The care and concern the 3 older children display for the little ones is extraordinary. They all formed a bond very quickly.

I don’t think we could have anticipated how well it would all merge together but thanks to the children really it works. The holidays are filled with boisterous fun as they older children entertain the girls for hours and hours and the girls are lit up like Christmas trees the whole time.

I guess I wanted to share how special I think the bond is between them and that love binds it together. I sometimes think you can read all the books written about how to make these situations work but in this instance the children have shown me that what makes it work is love actually and lots of it. The love they show their little sisters and how much the girls love them is the glue that holds this together and makes it what it is.

Here are 3 lessons that I’ve learnt about being part of a step family:

  1. Accept– Accept that there are lots of dynamics and it won’t always be easy. Every step family is different but it’s unique and it’s yours to love and cherish as it is.
  2. Nurture– Give it lots of nurturing but don’t try to push it too much to “work” or “be perfect”. Everyone is coming in from different places and taking it in so it takes time for everyone to fit together, build and grow into a new situation.
  3. Love– In a complicated situation often the simplest solutions are the best. Showing love, patience and understanding wherever possible is going to be priceless.

Josie loves her big family and knows the truth in the saying ‘love makes the world go around’.

What Can Snatch Away the Job Opportunity from You

In today’s competitive world, gaining your dream job is a greatest thing to achieve. Employers often prefer recruiting candidates who are perfect in each and every thing they do. Thus, the only way to impress and realize the employers that your are the appropriate candidate is to draft an effective and error free resume. Any small mistake in your resume can create a severe drawback and decrease your chances of getting selected. Apart from resume mistakes, candidates are unaware of many other reasons that snatch away their job opportunities. Following are some of the common mistakes made by applicants while applying for a job or going for an interview.

  • Your Social Media Profile: After going through an impressive resume, employers now-a-days go through the candidate’s social media profiles to gain some additional knowledge about the applicant. Thus, make sure you keep your social media profile clean to ensure it doesn’t become a reason for your rejection. Avoid uploading any photos, videos, or information that can snatch away a precious job opportunity from you.
  • Irrelevant Information in Resume: Your resume is the first impression of you in front of the employer. Thus, make sure you draft an effective and error free resume. Your resume must include all the essential information relevant to the applied job position. All the important segments in your resume such as the career objectives, key skills, and experience must provide adequate information to the employer that will help them in judging your eligibility for the applied job position. Including any irrelevant information in your resume will create a bad impression of you making an employer realize that you are unaware of the job profile and are inappropriate candidate for that particular job.
  • Fake Information: Candidates often include fake information in their resume in order to impress the employer and gain their dream job. However, applicants must understand that each and every information in your resume is verified by the employer before they actually call you for the interview. Thus, any fake information in your resume can definitely snatch away a good job opportunity from you.
  • Inappropriate Dress Code: This is another common reason for rejection among the candidates. Many a times, applicants are unaware of the dress code for the interviews and end up wearing casuals. Your dress code is your first impression on the employer when you go for an interview. Thus, an applicant must be well dressed in formal shirt, trouser, and shoes. Wearing a tie would definitely add more effect on your personality.

The above points well help you understand some of the common mistakes made by applicants while applying for a job. Your career is the most important thing in your life. Thus, avoid making any mistakes that would snatch any good job opportunities from you and restrict you from building a bright career.


Ana can provide more information on career guidance and help you take your career at top. Visit


Why You Should Take Fat Seriously

If you have never thought about the fat and sugar content of all those prepared foods you eat – not just ice cream and chips, but cold cuts, crackers, energy bars and other “normal” (but unnatural) foods – here is one good reason to start reading the nutrition labels.


You wouldn’t purposefully crash your car, would you? Now look again at the chart. You wouldn’t purposefully eat more calories than you burn off, would you?

Give Yourself a Gold Star

How is this for a different idea for you? If you sometimes feel like you keep messing things up (yes, I’ve been there), like everything you touch seems to turn to mud, how about giving yourself a gold star?

Yes, a gold star.

Early in school, teachers would reward us kids with gold stars or some other sticker (dolphins, horses, and of course other shiny stars in red, blue and green) as an incentive to motivate us to do better, to improve. Just giving yourself a formal recognition that “I did it!” will boost your self-confidence and self-esteem … and how happy you feel.

You will want to do better to earn more praise and more recognition.

Where to place the gold star? On your “to do” list, as you cross off another item accomplished. In your journal beside each thing you accomplished today. Maybe you know of a better place in your own life.

Give yourself a gold star every time you accomplish something, even something small and mundane. Because accomplishment is never mundane.

READ ALSO: 11 life lessons

Daydreaming Leads the Way

Were you ever told by your parents or a teacher to “stop daydreaming”?

Too bad. It is important to have dreams, to envisage what you would like your relationships, your home, your world, your life to be like. It is important to let those images form themselves with abandon, to show you glimpses of possibilities.

Of course, it is important to follow through on those dreams, to be true to them. At least, those that inspire us. But first you have to have them. Remember the song from “South Pacific” (the musical from several decades ago): “How you gonna have a dream come true?”

Happy talk, keep talkin’ happy talk,
Talk about things you’d like to do.
You got to have a dream,
If you don’t have a dream,
How you gonna have a dream come true?


Go ahead and daydream. And please, if you have children, don’t tell them to “stop daydreaming”. Let them dream.

Do your research before you take out a mortgage

While the housing market has improved slightly since the crisis a few years ago – there’s even been recent suggestions of a bubble in Canada – it can still be a minefield to buyers if they don’t know how it works. To get an idea of what you need, it’s crucial that you do your homework on mortgages. Knowledge is power, and with the right research you will have the best chance of living happily ever after. Here we look at the first steps you need to take ahead of taking out a mortgage.

What can you afford?

It may seem obvious, but with the many houses that will be on the market understanding your limits is key. Properties can make you fall in love at first sight, but know what’s too high. Statistics for June 2011 showed that one in every 583 homes was in the midst of active foreclosure proceedings. With this in mind, speak to smaller lenders and brokers as well as the big banks to see what you are capable of borrowing.

How does the market look?

As commitments go, there aren’t many more worrying than taking out a mortgage. With the possibility for borrowing far more money than your actual salary, whether you’re on a fixed or variable rate there’s a gamble within a mortgage. So, with this in mind, make sure you get expert, impartial advice through your research. People tend to search for rates these days online. Banks are there to be bargained with, they wouldn’t make so much money if this wasn’t true, so don’t just take the first offer on the table.

Lenders: How do they work?

Getting a lender to give you the seal of approval is the most important part of taking out a mortgage, so you need to know what sways their decisions. What happens is that your credit report and application form will be valued and a decision will be made based upon those things. Each lender uses different calculations, and the mortgages are of course different so acceptance can vary. The thing of most importance is your credit health-check.

How to check your credit health

Your credit report is of paramount importance and everything from credit cards, loans and existing mortgages will be taken into consideration. Any other credit will also be looked at along with your repayment history and this is what lenders will use to assess your application. If you have a clean track record of timely repayments, you’ll be held in good stead. Get a check from more than one place and be sure to clear up any inaccuracies that you feel there are within the reports.

Know what mortgage you need

Just like researching the market, knowing what you want and how it will be set out is also important. With this in mind, don’t be scared to ask a lot of questions to get the detailed information you are after. Just be sure that you don’t actually enter the application process because this will work against your actual submission. Remember that putting a bigger down payment on your home, you will be in a better position to find the top rates no matter what mortgage you’re looking into.


As you can see, there are a number of steps that you need to take when considering your mortgage and how to find it. Applications for mortgages have shot up to a three-year high according to reports, and it’s certainly a time to be considering taking one out. Follow all these steps and you’ll be well on the way to getting the best mortgage for your needs.