Happiness is travel

Yes, travel opens the mind to new ideas and new ways of seeing things.  And when we experience the wonders of this world, it can’t help but make a person happy.  And some travel opens the mind more than others.  For instance, if you take a tour of seven cities in seven days and stay in hotels, you will find you are passing your time with others from your country and seeing the sights, but not experiencing the people and the way of life.

On the other hand, if you do some work travel or stay in private homes, you are more likely to experience the real flavor of the place.

I took Little Lady for a trip to Hungary, where we saw some of the places her Nagymama grew up.  For a girl of (almost) seven, this was a very educational trip.  We stayed in an apartment and wandered pretty much on our own.  I would classify this as mid-way between a our and a real visit.  Just for fun, here are a few photos.

This is the moment she professes to be the highlight of her trip:

Even though I could tell that it was dancing to the street musicians…

And making new friends…

…even though she could not speak Hungarian with them…

…any of them!

But it was the dancing that she did the most. This was her favorite street musician, whom she patronized several times where Vaci Uta spills into Vorosmarty Ter.

She was a little less freewheeling with the food (can you say “McDonald’s” or “Pizza Hut”?), but we did enjoy palacsinta a few times together.


  1. I agree. Traveling is a great way to leave behind all the stress.


  2. Hello again David,
    How nice of you to keep sharing your photos – loved the pictures of your Little Lady, my how she’s grown.
    Read your blog page, really good, keep up the wonderful work lifting up our spirits!
    I’ve just re-registered, so I’ll be getting the regular e-mails again.

    Take care, Justina, subscriber since 2003.

  3. Happiness is travel or travel is happiness..its the same thing and i totally agree with you mate. You have a nice website and as london said..keep it up

  4. I wish I had the available funds to travel 🙁 Very nice photos however 🙂

  5. Nice photos, I like going out with my family on a vacation its just a fun living all your stress behind and enjoying your great vacation. Nice post.

  6. Correct travel is always fun weather you are alone or with your family or friends. It refreshes you anytime anywhere.

  7. Spending enough time with family is only possible while long traveling. Nice posting.

  8. Really traveling is the only way we can enjoy freely leaving our tensions far beyond our life.

  9. very interesting post , quite refreshing!
    where would we all be ,without having the opportunity to travel, as this seems to be the only way to find our inner calm and peace.
    thanks for sharing your pictures with us.

  10. Beautiful pictures! I think traveling is a great way to become more open minded.

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