You are not alone. So many other people have found freedom and built flexibility into their lifestyle by working for themselves. You don’t need a “job” to make a living. Lose the job and get a life. Yes, run for your life!
I am a big fan making the jump. Too many people stay in the “comfort zone” of a job they hate, wishing they could just get out. Well, surprise – they can!
I left a job that I liked, but which had some very compelling aspects that I did not like. As the public spokesperson for CAA Ontario, I needed to be available nearly 24-7 for the media, which among other things meant staying in my 800 square-foot downtown Toronto condo. That’s not a lot of space for me, my wife, my office and our new baby.
So we made a lifestyle choice to move to the country, which meant quitting that job and making it on our own. Neither my wife nor I had an ounce of entrepreneurial blood in our veins, but we made that jump. I called many people I had worked with while in Toronto, and several of them were in awe, saying, “I wish I could leave my job.”
You can. You just have to decide you want it enough.
Here is a great blog post on the top 10 excuses why people stay in jobs they don’t like:
After all these years, we are still not entrepreneurs. We are not building our own corporate empire. But we have survived this far, and actually are living reasonably well, all things considered. If you are willing to make some sacrifices and work hard, you can make the jump.
And you don’t have to feel all alone, either. In fact, there is plenty of help out there from online business accounting to business writing to freelancers of all kinds.
So you are not alone. You can do it. You can make it. Feel the freedom!
I’m facing precisely this situation.
My job is really a good job — I have flexibility, and earn good money. But my heart is no longer in it, and I am trying to decide about early retirement. The question of course becomes “do you have enough”. I think so, but what if I don’t?
I think in the end, you have to let go of the financial details (which are always built upon potentially flawed assumptinos), and follow your heart. Or as Joseph Campbell notes: “Follow your bliss.”
I believe (in my heart) that everything else will follow that heart-felt decision. Let’s hope so!
Thanks for this serendipitous message.